Design and Technology

Vision for Design and Technology


At All Saints we want to prepare our pupils to be part of tomorrow’s rapidly changing world. We aim to develop creative, technical, imaginative thinking children through our teaching of Design Technology, as well as developing perseverance, resourcefulness and the confidence take risks. Within this, all staff at All Saints strive to give the children a wide range of experiences and opportunities through the use of different resources and equipment whilst being safe, happy, respectful learners. 

What's New?


Through All Saints' Journeys of Discovery all aspects of Design Technology are covered, ranging from structures to mechanisms, cooking to electrical systems. We have always be investing in new resources and equipment to enhance all children’s DT experiences.  

Subject Priorities


1) Skills and coverage – we are continuing to develop all pupil’s skills across all year groups and using these skills to become creative, technical, imaginative thinking children. Further to this, children will be given the opportunity to use their skills to collaborate as a whole school to celebrate the local area. In the Summer Term,  the skills taught will be revisited to be used as inspiration when children are working independently to meet given criteria.

2) Purpose, User and Functionality– we are ensuring through the teaching of DT children are understanding why we are designing, making and evaluating a given product, who their product is for and how their product is going to function. 
3) Staff training – we must ensure all staff including support staff have the knowledge and confidence in the use of a wide range of Design Technology resources and equipment. 
  • Mrs A Spencer

    Design Technology Lead

    Hi All!

    I am Mrs. Spencer and I have the pleasure of leading the subject of Design Technology. If you have any questions about our Design Technology Curriculum, then please contact the school via telephone email or come and speak to me directly.

Useful links

 BBC BItesize KS1 - Design Technology in Key Stage 1

 BBC Bitesize KS2 - Design Technology for Key Stage 2

STEM Home Learning - DT ideas you can do at home.