Collective Worship

Vision for Collective Worship

At All Saints CE it is our aim to ensure Collective Worship is enjoyable for children and staff to participate in.  Collective Worship is an integral part of our school day that gives a springboard for 'Letting your light shine'. 

What happens?

We offer 3 opportunities for daily Collective Worship.  We start our day with our Morning School Prayer, say a Lunchtime prayer and gather as a whole school for Collective Worship.  We also encourage independent acts of worship in our playground reflection area our peace garden which offers an outdoor reflection area.

Whole School Collective Worship

Whole school Collective Worship takes place daily at 1.05pm - 1.20pm and is led by a team of people in our school including children from our Shine Squad Team, Mr Mawdsley (Headteacher), Mr Horton (Assistant Headteacher), Mrs Reading, Mrs Fletcher, Mrs Hiscocks and people from our local Baptist and Parish churches.

Monday -  Big Questions are explored together in Collective Worship and we alternate with our British Values assembly.  Our own 'All Saints Heart that Shines' awards are given out to children who are living out our Christian Values. All children are on the look out to see who is living out our School Values throughout the week and nominate each other in writing, so we can celebrate altogether.

Tuesday -Story time with Mr Coleman, sharing books based on our School Value.

Wednesday - Singing in the Hall,  Mr Horton leads whole school singing.

Thursday - We look at what the Bible says about our School Value and how God can help us to let our lights shine even brighter.

Friday - Mr Mawdsley leads our Shining Light Collective Worship when we celebrate all the fantastic things that have been happening during the week.

After Collective Worship on Thursdays we learn more about the Bible and other religious texts by sharing stories together in classes.  We learn other faith stories by reading a different religious text half termly. 

Prayers and responses are our choice

We start our school day by saying our school prayer together and end our Collective Worship by saying the Lord's prayer.  We are invited to make these prayers our own by joining in and saying 'Amen', if we choose.

Collective Worship begins with a Collective Welcome - "May your light shine and peace be with you" and we are invited to respond with "And also with you".

Our time together ends with a sending response  - "Through love, forgiveness and mutual respect go out and "let your light shine".

Our All Saints Shine Squad Team prepare our Collective Worship Table, lead prayers, often using candles to help us reflect on personal prayers, current world events or opportunities to say thanks for enjoyable activities and good things happening.  

Subject Priorities

1)    To let our lights shine – with the help of our Collective Worship we need to deepen our knowledge of our School Values which will help us become more kind, generous, wise, courageous, forgiving and self-controlled people.  We will do this by exploring values in Collective Worship and learning Bible stories in our classes.

2)    Christian Values- we need to know what our School Christian Values look like in everyday life so that they are central to our heart of our head, hand heart curriculum approach.    Eye catching displays help children to understand and use correct vocabulary, which raises standards and behaviour across the year groups resulting in caring, open minded children.

3)    Team work – Collective Worship is the gathering together of the school community on a daily basis to think about, respond to, reflect on and consider issues that are important as individuals and as a community.   The Shine Squad Team will work together to achieve this and write their own prayers, collate feedback about Collective Worship, meet with Rhi and Mrs Hiscocks and help to set up our Collective Worship space. 

  • Mrs R Hiscocks

    Collective Worship Lead

    Hi everyone!
    I am Mrs Hiscocks and teach the Elephants class at All Saints. I also have the pleasure of leading Collective Worship. If you have any questions about our Collective Worship then please contact the school via telephone, email or come and speak to me directly.

Our British Value for this half term is diversity.
Useful Links
Seasons of the Church Year
During Collective Worship a coloured cloth, appropriate to the season of the church year is used to create a sacred space for worship.  This provides a useful guide as to which colour is used and when.