Herons & Swans

6th January 2016

Herons and Swans classes started their new topic 'How Humans work' by finding out what they knew about the human body. Working in small groups they created a life size diagram of a body and included details of the skeleton and major internal organs. The children discovered lots of new facts and learnt from each other. As you can see from the photos they had great fun too!

To kick our 'How Humans Work' topic off to a good start we completed a full body M.O.T, where each child took part in 6 challenges to make sure their bodies are working well. These included a heart check, where they listened to their heart using a stethoscope, an aerobics session, a hearing test, where they identified the contents of boxes by using their sense of hearing, and a smell test, where they identified the mystery contents of 8 numbered cups. The children really enjoyed their afternoon and can’t wait to find out more about how their body works!