Eagles & Hawks Topic

11th February 2016

My Trip to Morrisons by Kacie-Leigh Tompkins

What we did:

On Tuesday 2nd February Hawks went to Morrisons to learn about the bakery, as our current topic is ‘Bake It’. At the bakery, we got shown how to use the different machines, the ovens, the provers and how to make our own bread.

To make our own bread:

First, we needed to get our dough and flatten it. Next, we needed to pull it backwards and roll it. Third we had to pull it backwards and roll it again. Then we rolled it out until it was as long as possible and then tied it in a knot. Last of all, we put it in the prover and then it went in the oven.

What I learnt:

I learnt lots of things like, how to use the machine, that a cold piece of bread dough is called a retard, how to make bread, how they wrap bread and the processes that bread goes through before we can eat it.

Before you can eat bread you have to make the dough, make it into the shape you want, put it in the prover and then bake it. The provers are to make the yeast start growing before it goes to get baked. Once it goes to the oven, the yeast stops growing, it has grown twice as big making the bread rise. Once the bread has been through all of that you can eat it.

How I felt:

I felt amazed by how the bakers run the bakery and how they do it every day. Going to the bakery has really inspired me to be a baker when I grow up. It was a great experience.